So I’m sitting here working on my novel, Spotify playing in the background, the Discover Weekly playlist on mid-volume. I’m enjoying the music but not thinking too much about it, as I’m currently waist-deep in the Nile in the middle of Ancient Egypt. And there’s a crocodile just off to the left, lurking amongst the papyrus reeds.
When suddenly, this song comes on and damn if it doesn’t pull me right out of my book. It’s about watching the sunset over the castle on the hill. I mean, who wouldn’t want to do that?” (For us small-town gals who didn’t have a convenient castle nearby, that’s equivalent to watching the sunset on the water towers. Or silo. Or whatever).
It’s about a boy going back to his hometown where he grew up and all that goes with it. I think to myself, “This is the male equivalent to Taylor Swift.” Someone whose power for telling a story in three minutes has launched her into current global domination.
Unable to resist looking at my phone, I see that it’s Ed Sheeran. And then, of course, the whole castle thing makes sense, him being British and all. And the T-Swift connection, of course.
Anyways, it inspired me to write this post about music and writing. The first one has the power to transform the other. I only recently started listening to music when I write, having previously found it too distracting. But I’m loving this new addition to my routine. The feelings Sheeran’s song evokes brings me right back to that small town where I grew up. And I love it and every single person from there, as fiercely as he does in his song. When it comes to the edits on my new Young Adult romance, Summer Constellations, also partially inspired by where/how I grew up, I will be sure to have this song on repeat.
Coincidentally, Ed’s other song, which debuted at No.1 on the Billboard Hot 100 last week, “Shape of You”, has just come on as I finish writing this post…also a good one if you need some fresh tunes. Hey, I write books for teens (and older people who secretly love them), it’s really all just research 😉
What songs make you think about being a kid? Leave a comment below.
PS. Always knew Ed was one to watch – featured him in a post back in 2014 when Kissing Frogs came out called 5 Kissable Frogs 😉